Thursday, September 9, 2010

Coming of Age (Final Revision)

Registration (The First Step)

A dull yellow form gave me a blank stare. It looked at me as if it was saying “HURRY and CHOOSE!!!" I have to admit that this form was one of the most difficult tasks in my whole entire school life. The general information book was thick. I quickly flipped through the pages and glanced at the ant-sized words that filled them. Everything seemed so foreign to me, as if high school had its own language. I vigorously shook my head and pulled my hair. I was confused and frustrated. I was just a kid and I didn't expect freshman year to arrive so quickly. I took another look at the information book and read the contents slowly. Then, I suddenly remembered what my media teacher, Ms. Fu, had said to me. She told me that I had potential in video productions, but I wanted a second opinion or maybe a third as well.

From what I had heard, programs have high expectations from their members. I was hesitant for fear that I might not be able to survive my first year at all. At this time, I really wanted to follow my cousin's footsteps. She decided not to take Mene Mac since she recognized it as a program that would cause much stress and frustration. It seemed like a wise decision, but my interest in media technology and video productions made me think twice.


I found Maddie and was relieved. I quickly rushed up to her and showed her my registration form.

“Are you taking Mene Mac freshman year?”

“Yeah!” She said with a smile on her face.

Aside from her World Languages elective, she had an interest in digital media technology and a desire for acting. During the middle of 8th grade, I would always give her an excuse note to leave her Spanish class because she was the most compatible person to act in my videos. Each time, she was eager and excited to leave her class to be able to come to the media room. So, it would make sense for her to join the program, but I wanted more opinions.

I found Jordie, Rebekah, and Kiyo at the other side of the tree talking to a few people. Quickly rushing up to them, I asked:

“Are you guys taking Mene Mac in freshman year? Because I really don’t know if I should. It sounds hard.”

They looked at me and responded:

“Of course we’re taking Mene Mac! OMG! You should too! Come on, Shaneika!”

With this type of encouragement, it gave me a reason to join the Mene Mac program. I thought twice and told myself:

Maybe joining the program won’t be such a bad idea. I mean high school is all about challenge. Although it may be hard, I think it would be wise to join the program. After all, I really wanted to get a taste of what high school and my future would be like.

I quietly sat on the grass and looked at my wrinkled registration form. Then, I turned to the Mene Mac page in the General Information booklet. I thought again and for a moment, it seemed like the whole entire world just froze in its place.

Beginning my freshman year in the right path, the right course was essential for me. This was the only way I would be able to develop the skills needed for the 'career of my dreams.' Taking the wrong classes or if worst comes to worst, taking the classes that I wouldn't even enjoy at all, is not the way to go. Looking at the yellow form, there was a moment of silence in me. Confusion bottled up in me, since everything was happening so quickly.

The words from my friends kept running across my head. In frustration, I slowly walked back to class. As soon as the bell rang, I was already seated in my homeroom. With a frown on my face, the yellow registration form stared at me again. There was an abundance of white out that covered majority of the paper, since I wasn't sure of what I wanted at all.

My parents arrived home and I felt hesitant to talk to them at first. I was afraid about how they would respond to my question.

As we talked, I asked my mom about the electives that would help me in high school. I handed her the general information booklet and the yellow registration form. She took it and slowly skimmed through the book. All of a sudden, my body became jittery and I couldn’t stop tapping my right foot.

"Well, media class is really enjoyable and it’s filled with great opportunities," I told her.

"But," I resented.

"If I take Mene Mac, that is going to be really hard for me because it seems like it's going to be very demanding and hard to keep up with work and stuff. So, I don't know if I will be able to survive in that class. It seems so hard and I can't take pressure and stress, " I continued.

My mother turned her head to look at me and I expected her to tell me what I should do.

"It's a decision you have to make on your own. I can't choose the classes for you because it’s not my place to make the choices for you. I am only here to support you, " she assured.

My shoulders dropped down at the sound of that. In frustration, I immediately stomped out of the room and grunted. I don’t want to take up the challenge. It’ll be too difficult for me and I don’t feel prepared.

Then, it suddenly occurred to me. Without challenge, life would have no purpose, no adventure, no experience, nothing. Reality is much more than this and if I don't get a taste of what life would be like, then I won't be prepared enough to survive the real world once I graduate high school. I need to prepare myself now. It's the right time for me to recognize my potentials and where I really belong in high school. Without any further questioning, I picked up my black pen and confidently wrote Mene Mac on the electives section along with the class code.

After a few days of what seemed to be endless patience, it was the moment of truth. Those who got accepted into mene mac were to be given a notice. During recess, my friends rushed up to me, excited that they got accepted. They showed me the notice that they got as they jumped for joy. I was shocked. I hadn’t received any notice and I expected to get accepted into mene mac. With arms crossed, my eyebrows came together.

"Does this mean all that I have done has gone to waste? Does everything end here? Will I end up taking spanish next year?" All these thoughts began to run through my mind and it seemed to have provoked me a little.

I wanted the program so bad and this was the outcome. Stress and tension built up inside me, so I quickly rushed to the media room to ask Ms. Fu about the notifications. She told me that only those who have received the notice meant that they have gained membership. Those who hadn’t have been rejected. I was appalled at the sound of this.

"They are still trying to process some students and they haven't gone through everyone's projects yet. So, you might be among that bunch."

Sudden relief came over me. Knowing that there was still a chance for me to get accepted into the program, I became determined. However, my wait began to die within two weeks of so-called patience.

It's been two weeks and I haven't received anything. I panicked, since this was not what I had expected. My desperate want for the program motivated me to contact Ms. Fu. Through the conversation, she told me that all the students have already been processed. As of now, no additional members will be accepted into the program.

That's it? Am I totally done for?

The results aggravated me, so I rummaged through my school work to find a xerox copy of the Mene mac form. Quickly, I skimmed through it and found Mrs. Sueoka's contact number and email. From my pocket, I pulled out my cell phone and dialed her number. My fingers fidgeted. No one answered and the feeling of uneasiness took over, so I left a voicemail. For a moment, the world seemed overwhelmingly slow.

I checked the registrar's office and personally asked them about my freshman classes. They told me that I was not in the Mene Mac program at all. In hopes of a positive answer, I asked if there was any way to change or switch my classes, but it was impossible. I just couldn't grasp what was happening anymore. My temper tantrum nearly exploded, but I managed to hold it in.

My chances of getting the 'career of my dreams' grew slimmer.

In a few hours, however, the phone rang. It was Mrs. Sueoka. Knowing this, a sweat dripped from the side of my cheek. I shook. This is it. The moment of truth. Once I pick up the phone, there's no hanging up or turning back. Will I be accepted or not? What are my chances? I didn't know. I was hesitant and nervous. I didn't want to know what she will say, but what if it was good news? Or bad news? I took a long and deep breathe and slowly picked up the telephone. It was her, Mrs. Sueoka.


"Is this Shaneika?"

"Oh, yes," my heart pounded.

"There has been a misunderstanding in the registrar's office....."

"WHAT??!! Really? So, what they told me earlier was false? What could it be? Have I actually been accepted into the program?," I thought.

"You are actually enrolled in the program. Yeah, since you are not in GE, you have first priority. So, immediately you should have been accepted already. I don't know why it didn't go through properly with the registrar's office, but I took care of everything. So, yup, don't worry, you are in the program."

My smile reached the tip of my ears. With great happiness, I nearly screamed into the phone. YES!!! FINALLY!! The answer I have been waiting for in such a long time. I was so thankful. Now, there was nothing to worry about. I'm in the program and that's all I cared about. It was the most important any way. It was the foundation of my future high school career. I teared a little as I jumped for joy.

After such an overwhelming experience, I realized the importance of taking up challenges and overcoming obstacles. Although things may get difficult, who knows what is actually in store. Plus, who's never up for a good challenge? The more obstacles I overcome, the stronger I get and better yet, the more prepared I am for the future.

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