Monday, September 27, 2010

Outside Reading Card

Self Assessment: 4
I rate myself as a 4 because I was able to put my graphic skills to good use. I used my analyzation of the book to write out the conflict and resolution. I also used stroke and drop shadow to make the title and the author stand out. I used different colors and effects on the text so that they are identified separately and so that they are readable. I tried to make my illustration match the description in my text. Since the book is partly about bridge, I used that as the background. It also plays a factor in Uncle Lester's life, so I added a picture of an old man. This picture also gives you a little insight on how I pictured him from the book's descriptions - blind man who always plays bridge and who lived a mysterious past. Doesn't the picture give a mysterious feel? Also, his desire is to win the Nationals, so I included the trophy. Alton, on the other hand, is a boy who is lost in life and has a difficulty trying to understand everything. I display this by using a simple picture of a high school boy. I blended him with the picture of the old man because they learn important lessons from each other. Alton learns to mature, with the experience he had with his grandpa and all the times he went to his grandpa's bridge club games. Since this book is mainly about Alton's journey in life, I added the significant quote that gives an overall idea of how he dealt with his confusion in life in the end. Also, the book is about his 'coming of age,' so it would be very fitting. The quote is also metaphoric because it uses bridge terms, so the card theme and background would match. Alton also plays an important part in his grandpa's life because he helped his grandpa to fulfill his dream and he gorged the hidden kindess out of his grandpa's "cold brick-like" heart. Overall, I made the photoshop graphic as simple, yet effective as possible so that it's appealing. This way my understanding of the book will come through.

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