Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Blog Invitation

Bate your breathe to another somewhat long invitation.
My name is Shaneika Aguilar and you are invited to visit my poetry website. I want you to take the time to read what I have in store for you. You may just find something about me that you may not have known before. There are graphics that I want you to enjoy, including the different poems I have chosen to interpret. I created the layout in order for my visitors to navigate through my poetry website easily. I have also selected some songs that I respond to emotionally and the best part is that I have also linked the videos on as well.


Some of the things that I want you to see are the photoshop graphics I have taken the time to create in order to compliment the poems and songs that I selected. I also would like you to notice the videos that I have posted. Trust me, you will definitely enjoy watching and listening to them. Watching them will give you a better understanding of my interpretation of the songs, mainly because they are korean songs. :) Lastly, there are some animated objects that I have included in the end, just to sum up what my website is about. Also, my website is a flash website, so enjoy the effects as you are navigating through the pages.
Oh! Almost forgot. Watch out for my metaphor video. Unfortunately, I was unable to include the video to my website, so make sure to click on the link that I have provided.

Leave a comment and give me some feedback on my website and what I can improve on....



  1. Hey Shaneika!
    My first impression of your poetry website were that it was a very original layout. I also enjoyed how well organized your webpage is.
    I loved the songs you had evaluated espicially 'Wedding Dress by Taeyang'. OOO hottie!

    I have found many good quotes in your evaluation but one in particular had caught my attention: "They will be caged forever until they find an opening that will set them free or if their master allows them to be free." I can really relate to this because it somewhat reminds me of growing when our parents adjust to us maturing and we gain more privileages.
    I have found a good interest in your graphics because it seemed of good quality and it really protrayed great meaning.
    Overall, OI really enjoyed your website from the layout to your analysis. It met over my expectations.

  2. Hey Shaneika :D This is Isabelle, and as you can probably tell...I'm going to comment your website. So here i go!
    I really enjoyed all of your poems. I loved that your descriptions are very informative. Your layout and color scheme matched the essence of your personality. Navigating was a breeze! haha, sorry just had to comment on your navigation bar XD
    Although I haven't seen your video, I can already tell that it is excellent because of the outcome of your website.
    I like the whole "journal" theme to your website! Flipping pages virtually was cool haha! weeeelllllll that's all :D BYE! GOOD JOB!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
