Registration (The First Step)
(Note: In my final, I can assure you that it will be much shorter than this dinosaur.)
A dull yellow form gave me a blank stare. It looked at me as if it was saying “HURRY and CHOOSE!!!" It was tempting. I had to admit that this form was one of the most difficult tasks in my whole entire school life. It was the first step and the beginning of my future. I was nervous and my heart was racing. The general information book was thick. I quickly flipped through the pages and glanced at the ant-sized words that filled them. I didn't receive any benefit from that. I was confused and frustrated. I was just a kid and I didn't expect freshman year to arrive so quickly. I took another look at the information book and read the contents slowly. Then, I suddenly remembered what my media teacher, Ms. Fu. She told me that I had potential in video productions, but I wanted a second opinion or maybe a third as well.
From what I have heard, programs have high expectations from their members. I was hesitant for fear that I might not be able to survive my first year at all. At this time, I really wanted to follow my cousin's footsteps. She decided not to take Mene Mac since she recognized it as a program that would cause much stress and frustration. It seemed like a wise decision, but something made me think twice.
With the yellow paper still in my grips, I quickly frolicked across the school field to the “Team A” tree. It was my team’s very special hang out area, where all members would be able to bond happily together. As I approached the tree, I squinted my eyes and slowly scanned the hang out area, in hopes of finding someone who was in the media class. I saw a familiar face, four actually in the distance.
I found Maddie and I was relieved. I quickly rushed up to her and showed her my registration form.
“Are you taking Mene Mac freshman year?”
“Yeah!” She said with a smile on her face.
Aside from her World Languages elective, she had an interest in digital media technology and a desire for acting. During the middle of 8th grade, I would always give her an excuse note to leave her Spanish class because she was the most compatible person to act in my videos. Each time, she was eager and excited to leave her class to be able to come to the media room. So, it would make sense for her to join the program, but I wanted more opinions.
I found Jordie, Rebekah, and Kiyo at the other side of the tree talking to a few people. I ran up to them and asked:
“Are you taking Mene Mac in freshman year? Because I really don’t know if I should. It sounds hard.”
They looked at me and responded:
“Of course we’re taking Mene Mac! OMG! You should too! Come on, Shaneika!”
With this type of encouragement, it gave me a reason to join the Mene Mac program. I thought twice and told myself:
Maybe joining the program won’t be such a bad idea. I mean high school is all about challenge, right? Although it may be hard, I think it would be wise to join the program. After all, I really wanted to get a taste of what high school and my future would be like. Plus, who’s never up for a good challenge? Yeah, that’s what I should do – join.
I quietly sat on the grass and looked at my wrinkled registration form. Then, I turned to the Mene Mac page in the General Information booklet. I thought again and for a moment, it seemed like the whole entire world just froze in its place.
I needed to begin my freshman year in the right path, the right course. This was the only way I would be able to develop the skills I need for the 'career of my dreams.' I didn't want to take the wrong classes or if worst comes to worst, take the classes that I wouldn't even enjoy at all. I took another look at the yellow form. There's was a moment of silence in me. I just couldn't accept the fact that everything was happening so quickly.
The words of my friends kept running across my head. In frustration, I slowly walked back to class. Just in time, I stepped into my homeroom as soon as the bell rang. I sat down with a frown on my face. The yellow registration form stared at me again. I noticed that there was an abundance of white out that covered majority of the paper. I wasn't sure of what I wanted at all.
"What to do. What to do," I sighed as I rested my head on my left hand.
Throughout the rest of the school day, all I could think about was Mene Mac and the other four electives that I had to choose for the registration form. My teacher spoke, as her words went into one of my ears and went out the other. I couldn't concentrate and my mind was practically blank. I stared at the clock that hung on the top center of the chalkboard.The second hand ticked and slowly hypnotized me. I wanted to escape everything I was going through. It was just too much. Within a few seconds, I ended up taking a nap during class.
"Shaneika, Shaneika, pssssstttttt. HEY! Wake up," Helen said as she nudged me to the side.
The thought of high school still existed in my head as I walked to the bus waiting area. I watched as my friends played around like little kindergartners and smiled. I felt envious since they had already selected their classes for their freshman year. They encouraged me to smile and assured me that everything would be okay in high school. I wanted to agree, but I couldn't. Reality didn't seem real anymore.
The bus screeched as it parked in the front gate of our school. I boarded on and leaned my head against the window. I just stared out the window as children happily jumped on with smiling faces. I just wanted to get home and take a long nap.
My parents arrived home at the usual time - 5:00 p.m. I was hesitant to talk to them at first because I was afraid about how they would respond to my question.
"MOM! Can I ask you something," I asked as she walked into her room.
She approached me and I asked her about the electives that I should take in high school. I handed her the general information booklet and the yellow registration form. She took it and slowly skimmed through the book as I watched. She asked me what I was interested in.
"Well, I took media class and I really enjoyed that class," I responded.
"But," I resented.
"If I take Mene Mac, that is going to be really hard for me because it seems like it's going to be very demanding and hard to keep up with work and stuff. So, I don't know if I will be able to survive in that class or program or whatever you call it. It seems so hard and I can't take pressure and stress, " I continued.
My mother looked at me and told me that she understood my situation.
"It's your decision. I can't choose your classes for you. You need to make the choice yourself because it's what you want and what you want to do in high school, " she assured.
That didn't help me at all. I became more confused and stomped out of the room. I didn't want to take up the challenge. It will be too difficult for me and I didn't feel prepared. In fact, I was unequipped.
I took a deep breathe and began to skim through the contents of the general information booklet.
"Alright. Let's do this Shaneika."
Then, it occurred to me. Without challenge, what would life be like? There would be no purpose, no adventure, no experience, nothing. Life is all about challenge, isn't it? Reality is much more than this and if I don't get a taste of what life would be like, then I won't be prepared enough to survive the real world once I graduate high school. I need to prepare myself now. It's the right time for me to recognize my potentials and where I really belong in high school.
Without any further questioning, I picked up my black pen and wrote Mene Mac on the electives section along with the class code. I smiled and slapped myself from reaching the white-out.
That night, I felt relieved and relaxed. Knowing that I had my freshman year planned out, I had nothing to worry about, except for the challenges and obstacles that are awaiting for me. I didn't let that bother me. After all, in one form or another, difficulties will interfere in my path regardless. So, there's no way of escaping it.
The next morning began. I dressed for school and rushed out the door as usual. When I arrived, I entered the office and greeted my teachers as I headed down the yellow light hallway. I placed my bag on the chair and sat comfortably. Since I was the very first, I decided to prepare the morning bulletin. I turned all the switches on, including the computer. While in the process, my teacher stepped in with a white sheet of paper.
"Shaneika, you're taking Mene Mac next year right," asked Ms. Fu.
"Yeah," I responded.
She handed me a form. Turns out there was more than just writing "Mene Mac" onto a yellow piece of paper.
Later that day, I logged onto my computer and began typing out my essay. I wanted to prepare it beforehand, so that I could concentrate on the mini project that was required as well. As I was typing out my essay, I let out all my inner thoughts, emotions, and feelings into it. It was like selling myself to a management of 'criticism' with a 20% chance of entrance.
After thinking about the mene mac program, I totally excluded the fact that it would be challenging and time consuming. I began to consider how much fun it would be and the bountiful amounts of opportunities I would have in exploring and discovering new things, especially with the world. I became excited and I actually looked forward to the very day I would step into the Mene mac room.
After printing my essay out and placing it into a yellow manila folder, I checked off the requirement in the membership form. I realized that this was my very first Mene mac project and an introduction to what will come in the future. Knowing this, I continued to fulfill all the requirements. I plugged my jump drive into my Dell Computer and searched for three of the best videos I produced so far. I dragged them out from the drive and onto the desktop. I couldn't help it, but I decided to play the videos. As they were playing, it brought back so many memories. I came so far and I've changed so fast. I was proud of it and I wanted them to be a part of what I liked to call: "first step mene mac project."
At the end of the week, I approached my teachers and kindly asked them to complete a letter of recommendation for me. Both, social studies and mathematics, teachers were able to print their letters out for me. Prior to that, they assured me that I was a good student and they were determined I would get accepted into the Mene mac program. I was glad and it brought about a cheerful mood to the atmosphere. Without hesitation, I filed both letters into the manila folder along with my essay, completed membership form, and my DVD project. I sealed the flap of the envelope and pressed it against the table. I handed it to my media teacher, who was happy enough to send it in to the high school for me. After submitting it, patience was the next requirement.
After a few days of what seemed to be endless patience, it was the moment of truth. Those who got accepted into mene mac were to be given a notice. During recess, my friends rushed up to me, excited that they got accepted into mene mac. They showed me the notice that they got and jumped for joy. I was shocked because I didn't receive any notice and I was expecting to get accepted into mene mac. I was confused.
"Does this mean all that I have done has gone to waste? Does everything end here? Will I end up taking spanish next year?" All these thoughts began to run through my mind and it seemed to have provoked me a little.
I wanted the program so bad and this was the outcome. I refused to accept the fact, so I began to ask others if they got a notice. I asked my friends who decided to join the program and majority answered positively. Three, however, didn't receive anything. I couldn't believe it and I wasn't even on GE. So, I should have gotten accepted because I'm first priority aren't I? I quickly rushed to the media room and asked Ms. Fu about the notifications of acception. She told me that only those who receive the notice mean that they got accepted into the program. Those who don't have been rejected. I was shocked at the sound of this.
Wait a minute? There's still hope for me?
"They are still trying to process some students and they haven't gone through everyone's projects yet. So, you might be among that bunch."
This gave me relief. Knowing that there is still a chance for me to get accepted into the program, gave me determination. However, my wait began to die within two weeks of so-called patience.
It's been two weeks and I haven't received anything. I began to panic. I didn't expect this to happen. I wanted to get into the program so badly. I contacted Ms. Fu and she told me that all the students have been processed. As of now, they are not accepting or adding any more additional members to the program.
That's it? Am I totally done for?
I didn't want to accept it. I rummaged through my school work to find a xerox copy of the Mene mac form. I found it under a stock pile of papers, I quickly skimmed through it and found Mrs. Sueoka's contact number and email. I quickly pulled out my cell phone and dialed her number. No one was answering and I began to worry, so I left a voicemail. Then, I waited..............again.
I couldn't stand the wait and I began to think that they might have had misplaced my form. Yeah, that's what I thought. I began to take all the xerox paper work and placed it into the manila folder, except there was one problem: I didn't make any copies of my letters of recommendation. I became frustrated. I pulled out my pink binder and pulled out all the paper work to find the syllabuses for my classes. There, it had my teachers' contact numbers and email. I quickly texted my teacher asking her to send me another copy of the letter of recommendation. I also contacted my other teacher through email. However, they had to delay it a little bit since they had other commitments. I felt bad, so I waited...........again.
After a day, I received the pdf form with their signatures. I quickly printed it out, since I was so pressed on time. I then took the initiative to travel to the high school by bus. I dropped off my form again along with a note and a letter from my mom indicating that it was another copy of my project in replacement of the original that could've been misplaced. I then checked the registrar's office and personally asked them about my freshman classes. They told me that I was not in the Mene Mac program at all. I told them if there was any way to change my classes, but it was impossible. I just couldn't grasp what was going on. I wanted to get into the program.
My chances of getting the 'career of my dreams' grew slimmer.
In a few hours, I received a call from Mrs. Sueoka. The phone rang, a sweat dripped from the side of my cheek. I began to shake. That was it. The moment of truth. Once I pick up the phone, there's no hanging up. Will I be accepted or not? What are my chances? I didn't know. I was hesitant and nervous. I didn't want to know what she will say, but what if it was good news? Or bad news? I took a long and deep breathe and slowly picked up the telephone. It was her, Mrs. Sueoka.
"Is this Shaneika?"
"Oh, yes," I said slowly as my voice shook a little.
After a small introduction, she told me the results of my registration.
"There has been a misunderstanding in the registrar's office....."
"WHAT??!! Really? So, what they told me earlier was false? What could it be? Have I actually been accepted into the program?," I thought.
"You are actually enrolled in the program. Yeah, since you were not in GE, you had first priority. So, immediately you should have been accepted already. I don't know why it didn't go through properly with the registrar's office, but I took care of everything. So, yup, don't worry, you are in the program."
YES!!! FINALLY!! The answer I have been waiting for in such a long time. Now, there was nothing to worry about. I'm in the program and that's all I cared about. It was the most important any way. It was the foundation of my future high school career. I was relieved and all I could do at that moment, was smile. I was so thankful I nearly cried tears of joy.
After such an experience, I realized how important it was to take matters into my own hands and not depending on others so much. Although things may get difficult and may seem challenging, who knows what is actually in store. Plus, who's never up for a good challenge? The more obstacles I overcome, the stronger I get and better yet, the more prepared I am for the future.
Hey Shaneika!!!!
ReplyDeleteholy cow! this is super lonnng -____-"
okay, lets try to make this into one comment.
Ideas: You have a good idea, but I think that the essay will be even better if there wasn't as many "run-ins" with everyone. *LOL at my part xD*
Basically just cut to the point and eliminate some of the useless paragraphs.
- For example: "The bus screeched as it parked in the front gate of our school. I boarded on and leaned my head against the window. I just stared out the window as children happily jumped on with smiling faces. I just wanted to get home and take a long nap." I think that this is one of many parts that are unneccesary. This will decrease the size of your essay :)
You did a great job on showing and not telling though so congrats!!
Voice: As always, I can tell that you wrote this;) Not only does it have your own perspectives but you also added in your opinions which made your connection with the essay alot stronger.
Organization: Your essay flows pretty well. It progresses as the story goes on but i think it could be more organized. For instance, the unnecessary paragraphs make the essay unfocused.
Wordchoice: You had very effective words that made your paper strong.
For example: Intiative, gradually, bountiful, and etc.
Overall: You had a good essay but i think you should take away all the details that aren't necessary. I liked it though and i had a good laugh about my part xD ahh, so much memories!!
Hey Shaneika!
ReplyDeleteGood job on your essay, I can tell making the decision to join Menemac was an important time for you, and I’m glad you did (:
AND YES, I think you should shorten parts of your essay down- so that it isn’t such a doozy to read…haha
three words: correct verb tenses! make sure they are ALL in the past…or ALL in the present, so that the paper is clearer
There are many (MANY) places where you use the words ‘I’… please consider starting your sentence in various other ways, although some of the ‘I’s are okay
Also, can you please read over your paper, some of the adjectives and verbs don’t fit as well as they should, making the sentence sound a bit awkward (okay shaneika…and mrs. s, this is my critique based on sentence fluency haha)
The 1st paragraph starts off well in setting the mood, although I think you could add more ‘feeling words’ to show instead of tell to let your audience know you were confused and frustrated (e.g. “All these words seemed so foreign to me…as if ‘highschool’ was its own language” idk just an example off the top of my head haha)
Also there are a couple sentences that don’t make sense throughout, so just read through the whole thing to proofread (:
(e.g. “Then, I suddenly …teacher, Ms. Fu.”)
instead of putting ‘I didn’t want to accept it’ several time, possibly SHOW how you felt (anxious? nervous? impatient? fustrated?) if you are going to do this, you can say the word once, but spend more time describing your mannerisms that showed it, and such
grammer and conventions are all good (except for the one thing in the beginning)
overall this is a good paper! :D good job (don’t forget the revisions heehee)